Thursday, October 31, 2013


“Consider it pure joy, my brothers, when you face trials of any kind, for you know that the testing of your faith produces endurance”  James 1:2-3

Have you ever read a verse that you’ve read for years, maybe even have it memorized for some occasions, and understood it to mean one thing, only to realize later that it has an even deeper meaning?  That verse you read or have memorized can comfort you, put a smile on your face, or pull you through a tough situation depending on your circumstances.  I’m sure you even can use it to help someone else in a similar situation.  Even after having it memorized or having recited it to others in need, you can read it and it’s like you’re reading it for the first time.  Life happens, adversity comes along and so you naturally default to the word, phrase, or verse that you go to when you need to pull through and BOOM.  It’s like your reading it for the first time. Your current set of circumstances allows you to understand this thing in an entirely new context.  That’s what happened this week with the above scripture in James.

For years, anytime something happened I wish hadn’t to me or someone close to me, I’d generally go back to this passage to help gain perspective and hopefully it would aid my getting over it.  Whether using it to get over a broken heart, missed opportunity, lost job or whatever my default mindset was to be happy, because that’s what God tells us to do.  Consider it pure joy.   Even though you don’t understand, consider it a joy because this testing of your faith will make you stronger.  Be happy because your faith is growing.  While that mindset isn’t necessarily a bad one, I was leaving out one critical detail.  There was still pain.  This verse didn’t cure the hurt that had caused me to go to this passage in the first place.  Then I read it yesterday and my mind was shattered.  My understanding of this passage of Scripture was just flipped on its head. 

Prior to yesterday, my formula for getting through tough situations using these verses was very easy.  Be happy, even in the pain, because you’ll be stronger for it and you’re faith will grow as a result.  The better front you put up, the easier it is to get over and move on, the more you’ll grow. 

Late Sunday night, our car was broken into, adding a broken window to a long list of problems we’ve had to sort out with our Jeep.  Along with some change, 3D movie glasses, and a car charger, all our paperwork for this vehicle was stolen.  This headache was compounded by the surprise visit to an Ophthalmologist on Tuesday who determined that I have ulcers on both corneas in my eyes.  After what we thought was a routine eye exam because I needed some new contacts, we were advised to rush to the specialist who had worked me in so he could get a better look at these ulcers.  The thought of ulcers like you get in our mouth and lips in your eyes is far worse that the pain is.  Although my eyesight has deteriorated a bit because of them, I should be back to 100% after 2 weeks of medicine. 

But it was in the couple of hours just after the doctor appointment that I started in my default – thinking and praying this passage.  I was saying it over and over in my head on my way home from Club when it hit me. 

Consider it pure joy my brothers.
Consider it pure joy.
CONSIDER it pure joy. 

There’s where my mind had been blown and my understanding of a verse I had often called upon during trying times had been given a deeper understanding.  Although I had already resorted to thinking about how this experience would help me later in life, God opened my eyes, quite literally, to the truth in the first word of the verse.  Consider.  Where my previous mindset told me to be happy, and smile through all this mess, this word told me that it was fine to be frustrated, confused and upset.  Through this single word, my previous mindset had been rocked with a new perspective.  I love it when God does that.  

Monday, October 7, 2013

Lion and Lamb

As I sat in church yesterday, listening to the pastor talk about  Revelation 1, I couldn't help but think of all the characteristics of God. We walked through the first chapter, verse by verse, really getting to the core of what each verse means. It was so humbling sitting there listening to the promise we have in Christ. I have read the first chapter of Revelation before but this time I left with a whole new perspective. I love when that happens when reading scripture.We were given this picture of Christ yesterday that I haven't been able to get out of my head since he said it. He talked to us about Jesus being the lion and the lamb. I have heard that plenty of times, but when I really sat and thought about it, I was reminded of how beautifully it is illustrated. When Jesus was on earth He was the person that everyone would run to when something was wrong. He drew people in by the love that He continually showed people. He was a healer and a protector. He was kind and tender. He was sought. He is the lamb. Now, Jesus sits on His throne in heaven. He is Mighty. He is Powerful. He is Righteous. He is King. He is the lion. He is not only accessible but he is our authority. These two words are so perfect to describe our creator. I think about John as he sat in his jail cell when all of this was happening in the first chapter. It says in Revelation 1:15 that his voice was like the roar of many waters. John describes His voice sounding like the sea because his cell sat right up against it. Revelation 1:17 says, "When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead. But he laid his right hand on me, saying, Fear not, I am the first and the last, and the living one. I died, and behold I am alive forevermore." Although Christ is the ultimate King, He is still our comforter. He comforted John when he was afraid. There are so many words that describe our Savior. As I sat after church yesterday, I started thinking about all of the words. I think I could spend the whole evening writing down words that describe our King. He is perfect. holy. friendly. father. helpful. protective. compassionate. forgiving. empowering. discerning. consuming. cleansing. healing. destroying. delivering. fulfilling. faithful. provider. freeing. liberating. courageous. victorious. trustworthy. immune. honored. reliable. good. praised. glorified. famous. renowned. needed. beautiful. living. active. alive. amazing. inspiring. creative. abundant. rich. pure. real. safe. remarkable. extraordinary. miraculous. astounding. He is God! He loves us. He frees us. The promise that we have through Christ is absolutely incredible. As I think about this promise I am confident in the love that Christ has for me. He adores me. I am his daughter. He is my number one fan. My prayer is that we remember Christ as the lion and the lamb that He is. We will hold fast to the fact that He is our protector and our King! We are nothing without Him and with Him everything is held together perfectly. "And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent. For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of the cross." Colossians 1:17-20