The bulk of the focus of our coming back early to the USA was to figure out what had been ailing Claudia for so long. For the better part of the 6 months prior to our departing South Africa, Claudia had been experiencing some physical problems. There wasn't a span of 2 weeks where we she felt 100% the whole time. Over a span of 6 months, we frequented the doctor's office 15 times and each time it seemed we were only treating the symptoms and not getting to the source. Looking back, you'd think we would have figured out something was wrong sooner. But oh how quickly we lose perspective when we don't understand. I don't know if it was a fear of letting people down or not wanting to feel vulnerable, but either way, our pride told us we needed fight this battle on our own. In May, after Claudia had missed 3 straight days in Red Hill, we decided it was best if we pushed our flight up and spent the extra 2 weeks seeing doctors, trying to figure out the source of Claudia's ailing.
After we landed in Nashville and had our "Welcome Back" meal at Cracker Barrel, we headed to Lexington in hope of finding answers. After weeks of blood tests, a stomach scan, and a colonoscopy, we still hadn't found a definite answer to our medical questions, but we had eliminated many of the serious diseases. While there was still a bit of unknown, we were thrilled to know it wasn't as serious as we had once thought. After the findings of Claudia's colonoscopy, we had our first hint that it could be a food allergy, and so we scheduled an appointment with a Nutritionist/Chiropractor in Nashville. There, Claudia had her blood drawn and tested for food, mold, and other allergies and we finally got an answer to what had been an 8 month mystery. She is allergic to many of the foods we eat on a daily basis in Cape Town, including dairy and wheat. Although seemingly having to adapt a new lifestyle with these allergies was a bit daunting, we were thrilled to have finally figured out what battle we are up against. Changing our diet here has been a work in progress, but Claudia will tell you she's felt better than she has in a long time, which is such an answer to our prayer for the last 8 months.
Being back in the US was such a blessing for us. We visited family and friends all over Kentucky and Tennessee while getting to update our supporters and host some dinner parties to tell others about our journey. It was such a blessing and looking back at our time there, was exactly what God had planned. While we were dealing with all the unknown, we spent 10 days, split up into 2 legs in Franklin, which is where our journey began, where our roots are. It was while I was an intern at Rolling Hills Community Church that Claudia and I began dating. There I went on my first overseas mission trip to the place where we would end up moving. It was where God affirmed our calling to the kids and teens of Red Hill. So it should have been no surprise that we would get the answers to our medical issues while we were visiting there. Through meetings with our mentors, God brought us back to the basics of our calling and in doing so, refreshed and refueled us to come back more excited and with more purpose than when we originally moved!
Looking back, our time spent with friends and family was invaluable. We were blessed to have 7 weeks at home. We were lucky to be able to celebrate both Mother's Day and Father's Day with our families. We were able to go to Atlanta to see a Braves game. We were both able to see one of our best friends marry the love of their lives. We got to relax on vacation with our family to Florida. We went to a concert and most importantly, we ate all kinds of Mexican food!
I don't think I can properly express how much being home, surrounded by family and friends who love and support us, meant to Claudia and I, but know that I am very grateful for you.
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