Tuesday, March 25, 2014

a new chapter

As I sit on our couch looking at all the things being packed away it brings tears to my eyes. Tears of sadness because we will be boarding a plane on Friday and leaving this beautiful country. Tears of joy because of what lies ahead and because of all the Lord has done in our 18 months of living here. Tears of hope for whats to come. Our emotions are everywhere right now and it's always hard to put how we feel down on a piece of paper. Last week Nathan and I were blessed with the opportunity to get away and spend some special time together reflecting on our time serving in Cape Town. We were able to travel and see some more of this country that we have called home for the past 18 months. I am so grateful that we were able to get away and have that time together.

Now, here we are, 3 days away from boarding a plane back to the home of the free and the brave. There are many things that excite me about going home, especially seeing our precious family and friends. I'm ready to hug the necks of my parents, in-laws, grandparents, and my sweet best friends who have been nothing but an encouragement since we have been here. I'm excited about setting up our home wherever that may be and making new friends. I'm excited to continue to support Nathan as he pursues his dreams and remind him daily to focus his heart and mind on Christ, the giver of all things. One of my favorite things about living here in South Africa is how simple life is on a day to day basis. People truly care about getting to know you and your story. They don't worry about time like we do in America. While this has been frustrating sometimes, I know it will be something I miss once I get home. The fast pace way of life back in the states isn't something they know here. They enjoy each day as it comes and count their blessings, no matter how big or small. I am challenged by that and pray that I can take that lesson home with me. I pray that I can be as intentional as my friends here have been to me. I have learned so much from the people God has placed in our lives. Whether that be how to take each day as it comes. How to love better. The characteristics of a good parent. What makes marriage work. Freedom in Christ. The abundance of grace that is poured over us daily. The way just one smile or hug can completely turn around a child's day. The joy found in a conversation. A helping hand. The importance of community. And how BIG our God truly is. I pray as we say our goodbyes this week that we have left a mark on this place. That our hand has left a print on the community of Red Hill and in the hearts of the children and teens we have worked with. I pray that not a day goes by where they don't know how much they are loved and cared for. I pray that they keep shining bright and that they continue to chase their dreams. I pray that their little hearts won't grow weary and they will strive to live like Christ daily.

The impact that this place has made on Nathan and I is bigger then any words I could put on a page. This place has changed us forever and our hearts leap thinking of the day we will all be reunited again. O how beautiful that day will be. For now, we leave with hearts rejoicing because of His faithfulness and love. We look forward to a new chapter that will be filled with it's own adventures and stories. A chapter where we will be able to look back years from now and see how God was molding us now for what's to come. For those who have supported and loved us from day one of this journey we are so thankful for you. We would never have been able to do this without you and for that we are so grateful. As we look to the future we do so with excitement for what He has planned. We can't wait to watch his plans for our lives unfold right before us. May He continue to get all the glory and may we always fix our eyes on Him in the years to come. "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you. You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart." Jeremiah 29:11-13

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